Thursday, November 4, 2010


I am excited to present my Event Planning class's new project: K4K (kids for kids)!

We are still in the brainstorming part of the event, but here is what we know so far:
  • What? Fundraisor for the children's Make a Wish Foundation 
  • Everyday families will be attending to raise money and then donate it to the kids from the Make a Wish Foundation (or we can grant a kids wish at the event)
  • When? December 9, 2010
The main idea is to bring joy to children who deeply need something to smile about, especially during that time a year. Christmas time is the season of giving, so let's give back! We mainly want other children to help the Make a Wish kids. We feel it is good for children to be aware that there are people their age who are less fortunate than they are. Of course, parents will be invited as well. Since the event's activities will be more for the children, we want to find a fun way to include grown-ups. I remembered a scene in The Santa Claus 2 that I found would be a great inspiration for this event. Let me know what you think!

Here is the link to the video (start it at about 6min.):

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